It is the responsibility of the landlords and rental agents to ensure that the property of the new tenants is in the best possible condition before taking occupancy. The same could be said for the tenants who are moving out, it’s their responsibility to ensure they leave the residence if the same condition they received it when taking occupancy. One way of doing so will be to hire professional cleaners like Pristine Clean for an end of tenancy cleaning. Although there are many benefits for using our services to assist, but let’s look at the top 5 reasons why:
1) Improved occupancy
One of the major benefits and probably the most important all, is the fact that your occupancy rentals are secured because of a clean dwelling. As rental agents and or landlords, an empty residency is never a good idea as you are losing money on a daily basis. In today’s competitive market, the tenants will most certainly compare rentals with a very acute eye on cleanliness, especially in cases where these are families and not just one tenant. The end of tenancy clean will support both the landlords and rental agents to secure a tenant.
2) Saves money
When hiring professionals instead of doing the job yourself may just seem like an unnecessary cost, but it’s important you assess all the costs carefully. When considering the costs of hiring equipment and the detergents versus doing the clean yourself may end up costing you more. In fact, the time it takes for you do complete the clean yourself is also a cost consideration to be taken into consideration.
3) Frees up your time
When your tenants move out and as rental agents you are required to prepare the property for new tenants, it may not necessarily come at a time that is convenient to you. The same could be said for a tenant who so wishes to do the cleaning themselves, taking time to do this is a considerable expense as you could be focusing on your new property. Using our END OF TENANCY CLEANING Services will free up your time for your other responsibilities or for activities that you enjoy.
4) Fewer complaints
A very common strain faced by the rental agencies are complaints from their tenants. If you choose to complete an end of tenancy cleaning, you will reduce the likelihood of complaints from your new tenants.
5) Professional standards
Finally, the high standard of a professional clean coupled with the correct detergents will leave the property in a better condition compared to you doing this for yourself. Pristine Cleaning Services will leave your property looking amazing, smelling fresh and will also have removed any stubborn marks or stains from around the property.
We guarantee guidance and service that can achieve the level of tenancy cleaning for every need. For further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us and allow our friendly staff to support your every need.
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