If workplace hygiene is important to you then we are here to help. We have years of experience in the hygiene and maintenance industry to ensure that the high level of standards are met at the workplace, especially during this terrible Covid-19 pandemic. Let us discuss some topics that will have a major part to play in managing hygiene in the workplace.

Hand Sanitizers

Your employees may be used to seeing hand sanitizers in the washroom. However, more and more employers are seeing the value of placing them in communal areas in the office. The staff members will regularly pass these and hopefully, get into good habits of using the hand sanitizing gel. This encourages a culture of handwashing within the departments. It is critical for the prevention of sharing germs interpersonally and in close working environments. This also has an effect on your reputation as a company. Instituting a good hygiene policy shows that you value worker health and that you have good standards that will be adhered to.

Clean the Windows

For workers in an enclosed environment, light is crucially important. Good levels of natural light, even when the weather is not as good, can have an impact on mood and productivity.
However, sadly this is all too often limited by dirt and dust on windows. This not only limits the light coming in but also conveys a message of a lack of care. Clean windows show that you care for your staff and creates a productive environment.

Ensure the carpets are cleaned

Common areas in an office are a good location for workers to take a break. Lunchtime breaks or a cup of coffee at the station will give energy that is needed to maintain productivity. However, good habits are required to maintain hygiene. Carpets are a breeding ground for plenty of bacteria and it is not just bacteria but life-threatening strains responsible for the many of the staff illnesses that can lead to hospitalisations and even deaths. Sink areas should be cleaned with detergent and cloths removed and washed on a regular basis

Educate Employees

You may be in the habit of providing good cleaning schedules and fresh clean air. However, it’s ultimately the good behaviour of the employees in the workplace that ensure hygiene standards are met. For this, you may need an effective educational program. This could take a part of your usual team or department meetings. A part could be set aside to discuss the benefits of cleanliness and how little work is needed to maintain good standards. The inclusion of everyone in the office will bring the best results.

We guarantee guidance and service that can achieve the level of cleanliness that you want. For further assistance, please do not hesitate to CONTACT US and allow our friendly staff to support your every need.